White Cane Day Celebration 2020

Man and woman walking with a white cane










White Cane Day 2020 is different... 


Talk instead of Walk.  

We do not see the White Cane Day walk this year, but its message is nevertheless present. 

For many years, the Malta Society of the Blind (MSB) together with the Malta Guide Dog Foundation (MGDF), which was founded by the Malta Society for the Blind (MSB), the Gozo Aid for the Visually Impaired (GAVI) and the Torball Society for the Blind, organized  a walk through Valletta's Republic Street. A group of visually impaired persons walking with their white canes or guide dogs to mark the International White Cane Day, aimed to create more public awareness for the obstacles blind or partially sighted people are facing in their daily life and striving for more solutions to improve accessibility, integration and inclusion.

This is not only about more accessible infrastructure, which already saw some improvements over the last years, but it is also about understanding, acceptance and integration of VIP (Visually Impaired People) in social, educational and work environments.

This in mind, the two organizations, while constantly asking the authorities to provide solutions, give their advice in solution finding processes, and provide training in independent living skills including household tasks and inner city maneuvering.

This year, as gathering for the annual White Cane Day walk is not possible, MSB and MGDF want to take another route to and reach out and encourage more people to seek advice and learn skills for independent living.


Talk about White Cane

 And Orientation & Mobility  (O&M) Training 

During the O&M training, a professional O&M trainer will teach the blind or visually impaired various techniques to safely and independently orient themselves and move/travel around.

Learning to use the white cane is one aspect of the training.

One of MSB's members, who asked for this training, will - coincidentally - have her first lesson in the week of the White Cane Day. She would like to share her experience and impressions in an (audio) blog to help others to learn more about this kind of training and overcome potential hesitation to ask and learn new skills.  

Find the introduction (audio) post on SoundCloud (
or on the  Malta Society of the Blind Facebook page.